Launching CaterROS


  • You can launch the nodes on any machine you want as long as all of them share the same master (most likely the PR2).
  • Of course to launch a specific system, you have to have that system installed on the machine. Check the system’s documentation for installation instructions.
  • Have the PR2 and Turtlebot up and running.

Launch the CaterROS nodes


If you want to start some or all of the system on a single machine (e.g. an server) you can use byobu to have simple control of the machine when connecting via ssh.

Launch Manipulation action server.

roslaunch suturo_action_server pr2_action_server.launch

Launch Knowledge.

roslaunch knowledge_launch suturo_knowledge_full.launch

Launch Perception.

rosrun percepteros caterrosRun cateros.xml

Launch peppers dialog system.


Launch plan generator.

rosrun plan_generator

Then start a REPL and start planning:


In the REPL type:

r-l-s TAB RET
plan_execution RET
pexecution RET

Now you are in the plan_execution package and can start executing plans.

PR2 localization

If you want to (re)localize the PR2, you have to set your Rviz straight. In ‘’Global Options’’ the ‘’Fixed Frame’’ has to be set to ‘’map’‘, or else this won’t work. After this you can use the button ‘‘2D Pose Estimate’’ at the top of the Rviz panel and set the position of the PR2 by clicking on the desired position and dragging the spawning arrow into the right direction. For further aid you can set the PoseArray topic to ‘’/partickecloud’‘, to see, where the PR2 thinks he is localized. The vizualization of the pose arrays seems like a huge mess at first. Just take the controller and drive the PR2 around a bit, this should refine the estimated pose.

Nice to know

If you want to run Rviz all the time but your machine is not the newest, you can put most of the workload for running rviz on the pr2b. For that you need to install (vglconnect.).

Then you can run:

vglconnect caterros@pr2b
vglrun rosrun rviz rviz

Done. You might need to reconfigure Rviz a bit, though. But your machine will thank you!