bashrc setup

Everybody who wants to connect to the PR2 needs to add the folloging lines to his/her bashrc.

alias pr2a=
alias pr2b=
export ROS_IP=<your-IP>
export ROS_HOSTNAME=<your-IP>

PR2 start

First connect to the PR2 via ssh.

ssh caterros@pr2a

With robot claim you get control over the robot. If anybody else has already claimed control over PR2, ask this person for permission first.

robot claim

To provide an environment, where anybody can access the processes running on the PR2, we use byobu. In byobu you can create a new window with F2, switch between windows with F3 and F4 and close a window with Ctrl-d. Please do NOT call byobu inside of a byobu session!


Now start the main launchfiles of the PR2. Use F2 to create a new window for each process.

roslaunch /etc/ros/indigo/robot.launch
roslaunch pr2_manipulation.launch
roslaunch iai_maps iai_maps.launch

Make sure to disable the motors of PR2 before you launch the graspkard node.

roslaunch graspkard pr2.launch

To use the kinect for perception we need the openni node. We start that on the second computer, PR2b. For that we can ssh to pr2b from within byobu. This is ok, but a second byobu session isn’t!

ssh pr2b
roslaunch /etc/ros/indigo/openni_head.launch

PR2 shutdown

When you are ready, kill all the processes in byobu and close each window with Ctrl-d. When shutting down the last window you should be in a common ssh connection with pr2a. Now you can stop the remaining/hidden/background processes and release you claim on the PR2.

robot stop
robot release